How much does a taxi cab cost in Crail , Fife , United Kingdom ?

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    Going to * :

      Enter a starting point and click "Estimate Taxi Fare".
      * Pickup and Going to locations are required to complete route estimation.

      Better understand the rates of a taxi ride in Crail Fife, United Kingdom
      The price of races of Crail Fife, United Kingdom taxis is regulated according to the schedule, the kilometers traveled and the time spent.
      Here are the basic prices of a taxi ride Crail Fife :
      The cost of your trip is broken down as follows:


      Initial Fare : 2.40 £
      Fare per km : 2.00 £
      Luggage supplement or Supplement from the 5th passenger : 0.70 £

      How much does a taxi cab cost in Crail Fife, United Kingdom ?

      City Initial Fare Fare per km
      Crail Fife, United Kingdom 2.40 £ 2.00 £
      Taxi Price for 5 km in Crail 2.40 £ 10 £
      Taxi Price for 10 km in Crail 2.40 £ 20 £
      Taxi Price for 20 km in Crail 2.40 £ 40 £

      * - This is an estimated fare in Crail Fife. Please contact us at if any Taxi prices changed in Crail Fife so we can verify and modify it

      Important :
      Estimate the cost and time of a taxi ride in Crail Fife, United Kingdom

      All Estimated Taxi prices of Crail Fife, United Kingdom does not constitute any price commitment on the part our website Taxi Allo .
      The price of a taxi ride in Crail Fife, United Kingdom will always be determined by the price displayed on the horokilometric meter installed in the taxi vehicle that transports you in Fife, United Kingdom .
      This estimate does not take into account traffic conditions in Crail Fife, United Kingdom and unforeseen road conditions, the actual route chosen by the taxi driver, and the approach costs related to the booking in Fife, United Kingdom.

      Taxi Allo Calculator is not taxi fake Crail Fife, United Kingdom calculator , it give you approximate taxi fare in United Kingdom .
      if you find any error or taxi fake results in Crail Fife, United Kingdom please inform us at

      Find also : Grab Taxi prices Crail Fife, United Kingdom, OlaCabs prices Crail Fife, United Kingdom , uber prices Crail Fife, United Kingdom

      Taxi cab cost in Crail Fife, United Kingdom